13 places to try
As the emerging tropical nation of Colombia heals its wounds from over fifty years of civil war, the up and coming capital of Bogotá nurtures a growing professional and creative class—and with that comes the thirst for quality coffee. Thanks to its three mountain ranges, eleven degrees of latitude, and multiple microclimates, Colombia’s diverse terroir serves as an excellent bed to grow great coffee. Drawing from the 21 producing states, the cafes listed below—most less than four years old—do not fail to impress. While many of the people in Colombia’s specialty coffee industry have a working proficiency, or are fluent in English, it doesn’t hurt to have a little bit of Spanish up your sleeve. Then again, coffee is something of an international tongue; fanatics will get by on exuberance alone, finding breadth of quality options as satisfying as pretty much everything else Colombian culture has to offer.